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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 10 Phase 2 VLCD Round 2

Weight: 153.8 lbs
Beginning Weight 182 lbs

Activity: light

Menu: Ground Chicken with spinach and tomatoe, Steak and brussel sprouts, cocoa crack

Today was pretty good it seems like this round is a little bit harder than the 1st one. I've been craving a sweets more than before. I really feel like i'm not going to have a loss at all in the morning. I've had
alot more stressed lately so that never helps with losses


  1. Im on injections, so Im not sure about how long you should wait between rounds, and if you can go continuously...but I know for injections, you are supposed to wait 6 weeks from the end of P2 to the next P2. Maybe that could be the culprit. Also, you can try potassium 99mg 3xs a day for hunger, and l-glutamine (capsule contents under the tongue) caps for cravings. Hope that helps! And congrats on the losses!

  2. I waited 31 days so that probably is the problem or PMS.. I take potassium everyday but only 1 maybe I will up that, because I had another rough day I gained .4 lbs and had way too much cocoa crack last night. I know I shouldn't have any at all, but I just couldn't help myself. Thank you so much for the suggestions and help

  3. Congratulations on your weight loss. I also started another round and have found it super duper hard this time around, especially for the sweets. I would try to the potassium Holistic Health Coach Tri MOm suggested. I noticed I was getting more muscle cramps that I than I was before which I"m sure is from low potassium. I started adding one small/medium sized boiled almond flour ball (matzo ball) instead of the melba toast as it has some potassium in it and my stomach just doesn't do the potassium supplements. I do roller derby so my exercise regiment is way more than I should and I was impatient and cut my Phase 4 short. Don't worry too much though. You'll be able to do it, even if it's slow and a bit painful. Each round is different. Good luck to you though. I'll be following your progress!
